Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

This is not a warning. Just to make you aware I would like to point out that some of the following images you may not find suitable to view with children.
THEY ARE NOT VULGAR OR P**NOGRAPHIC. Some of them contain partial nudity of the female torso (think "Little Mermaid") However they
are all in good taste, I would not have posted them on JB otherwise.
Posted 13 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I think that she might mean, we all have a say in JB matters so shouldn't be afraid of approaching Admins.

But ofcourse only she can explain to you.
Posted 12 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Last one for today, I will be back with more soon, and plus I'm going to share a different artist with you as well, next time.

My Lady Unicorn
All Unicorns are special creatures with magical powers beyond our imagination, but on a distant world lives a species called ladycorns! These beautiful and mysterious beings are able to communicate either by voice or with an array of musical sounds created by a harp like growth on their forehead. Their world is one of tranquillity and peace where nature is revered and the balance of the universe is maintained.

Posted 12 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Lady Galadriel
The beautiful elfin lady of the forest strolls peacefully in the fair land of Lothlorien, amongst the exquisite Mallorn trees. She pauses to gather a posy of her favourite Elanor, which grow in abundance at the foot of the trees. Her face is lit by the magical glow from the star shaped flowers and her hair tumbles over her arm like a golden waterfall. A myriad stars twinkle in the skies as if created by the power in her magical ring. In this most tranquil of places she is perfectly in tune with nature.
Posted 12 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Wow ßã£îçh hun you are very fast with your replies, I was going to PM you saying I've updated this topic but you got before I could

thanks for your admiration, and yes the spirit of flight is very beautiful
Posted 12 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Iris - Keeper of the Rainbow
Throughout the ages, the rainbow has been the symbol of hope, a promise of better things to come. The ancient Greeks personified the rainbow as the goddess Iris, the favourite handmaiden and messenger of Hera, the queen of the heavenly court of Olympus. Carried by her shimmering wings, Iris travels so swiftly that mortals can see only the trail of her rainbow-coloured passage across the sky.
Posted 12 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Queen of the Night
Sweeping majestically across the moonlit sky, the Queen of the Night keeps watch over the sleeping world. As she travels in the company of her many inquisitive nocturnal friends, she carries within her cloak many unborn stars and planets, sparkling wonders ready to be flung into the night-time collage in some distant sky. Her vast domain encompasses our own heavens and beyond to unknown galaxies. All is kept safe and sound under her gentle and eternal protection.
Posted 12 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Child of the Universe
She blows us kisses across time and space, gaining everlasting goodness and energy from her crystal. Legend has it that crystals embody the power to heal and protect so it is no wonder that the child of the universe draws from the crystal before her. Beside her is a galactic jet emitting a flood of charged particles to fill her with light and life. She gently blows her magic kisses across time and space, sending peace and beauty into our world.

Posted 12 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

The Spirit of Flight
The Spirit of Flight, the force responsible for the powers of movement of the wind and air, has gathered around her all the flying things she loves. Birds, insects, flying fish, swirling leaves, seeds of dandelions and sycamore trees, butterflies and fairies all dance around her in a grand array of wild free motion.

Posted 12 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
shahrukh khan said:


lol who's beautiful, jia ka chand or her topic?   
just joking i know what you mean
Posted 11 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Amir Khan and John Abraham
Posted 11 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Bazigaar said:

Jia_ka_chand said:

naah their waiting for u;r pic

haahaah, my pic should already be up on JB, remember that 'post your pic' topic? those are the only pics I have on the computer and if you promise not to comment on the camera quality again, I'll put them up here if you like

lol.those pics i've seen...with u;r friend and u;r ex right? i remember them

yep those are the ones   
Posted 10 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
never mind found out the whole love story....13 years his senior
Posted 10 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
WOW some great pics,

I didn't know Aksay was married with Twinkle you never see them at functions togther, why do they keep this things hidden?

And is Saif still married???

Good work
Posted 10 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

I for one am voting AGAINST new rule and 100% in Raja's favour.
Posted 10 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
okay I'm off - - - must start up my *ahem* new car
Posted 09 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
sad about your outlook
Posted 09 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
about to start my day - it starts at lunch feeling hyper so I know it's gonna be good - who cares if i'm gonna be in the lab for 4 hours starting from 2 pm i'll make up for it by having a fantastic lunch with my mates and having a manicure this evening
Posted 09 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
looking forward to seeing my friends after a long weekend of stressfull work

horray! it's finished! 3 more weeks of uni! then exams....but then summer!!!! i want to go on a holiday this July and must book my tickets this week obviously, hmmm who/where to visit
Posted 09 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
printing my work out and getting ready to go to uni! to day is going to be nice day inshallah
Posted 09 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

oh.. "Curare" it was u ...   

once i read her novel and got really high blood pressure when she wrote somewhere...

"I'll tell u all about this on very next page ... "

and that page was the last page of dat Novel     

what is it with me and your BP???
Posted 09 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
oh yeah I forgot to put an 'action man' scoring! John of course, he's great in Dhoom and Kaal in regards to action Zayed in Mai ho na did nothing involving action
Posted 09 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Bazigaar said:

Jia_ka_chand said:

thanks bazi, i hope their size isn't too big.

naah their waiting for u;r pic

haahaah, my pic should already be up on JB, remember that 'post your pic' topic? those are the only pics I have on the computer and if you promise not to comment on the camera quality again, I'll put them up here if you like
Posted 09 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Both actors are brilliant, but on my list this is how they score:

Stud factor:

Zayed - - - 6/10
John - - - 10/10 (*fwah*)


Zayed - - - 7/10
John - - - 9/10


Zayed - - - 8/10
John - - - 7/10


Zayed - - - 7/10
John - - - 10/10


Zayed - - - 28
John - - - 36
Posted 09 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Jia_ka_chand said:

thanks for your responce - good art deserves appriciation.
and yeah me in action is a brilliant thing

yaa very true ... :)

jia, whyn't you start writing suspense Novels ...

hahaah, go to fictionpress (google it) or its sister site and search (under pen name) for Curare and you will find my work.
Posted 09 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I'm surprized Nazar even made it to the top 10, where's the countdown from?
Posted 09 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Princess of Light
With hair of glistening crystal the princess revels in her task of bringing light to the world. Shining brightly her precious orb reflects her earthly guise, attracting the attention of some passing moths. Flowers burst into bloom excited by her life giving light. The princess travels on, bringing light to even the darkest corners of our world.

Posted 09 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Bush Blasta is right, this movie doesn't look all that, I know I'm not going to the theater to watch it - because I'v seen nothing about it which is enticing. For me to give up my saturday evening, the movie has to be brilliant, otherwise forget it.

I'v seen Mera's movies before, even met her, she's not a great actress/entertainer, just 'okay' and even if the hero is new I don't find him interesting enough to go watch his movie in the theater.

The music sounds processed, like something you've heard before.

As for the vulgarity, it seems slutty instead of artfully erotic like Jism was, and that's why Jism was a hit, it had mature sexual notes to it not cheap soft P**N, like copy-cat movies following it up.

The only thing Nazar has going for it is its director, and I don't think he's done his best work either.
Posted 09 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
~ ßã£îçh ~ said:

Jia_ka_chand said:

~ ßã£îçh ~ said:

Jia_ka_chand said:

wwooowww beautiful

yeah this is one of my favorites, I'm having a poster made of it to put in my room

u know what i like most in this one, the combination of darkness and light

wow lucky u

good interpretation hun
Posted 09 May 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
thanks for your responce - good art deserves appriciation.
and yeah me in action is a brilliant thing
Posted 09 May 2005